Web Exclusive Podcast: PoliTalks – June 7, 2020

Drew & Ryan return with another special “PoliTalks” episode to discuss the latest in current political events, with a major focus on the global protests relating to the Black Lives Matter movement. Plus a look at the 2020 election and how everything going on right now could play into the campaign. #BlackLivesMatter

PS – While we try not to espouse our personal political beliefs too much, the ongoing events in the US & elsewhere require an honest and frank approach. We here at Against The Mat wholeheartedly support and commend the BLM movement and what it stands for. There is no room for racism in today’s society and needs to be addressed at the systemic & cultural level. Therefore, we encourage you to check out the BLM website & contribute if you’re able. Every little bit helps, and this is a cause that cannot be ignored.
